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Abstract (English):
Certain dairy products are known for their antiradiation properties. This article opens with some theoretical aspects of long-term radiation exposure and prevention of free radical processes to move on to the methods that counteract oxidative stress and cell damage in the human body. The empirical part of the research featured the radioprotective properties of milk thistle (Silybum), which were determined by conventional analytical and physico-chemical methods. Milk thistle seed flour was studied for antioxidant activity, which appeared to be 2,400 times as high as that of pasteurized milk. The research objective was to develop a dairy product fortified with milk thistle: to reveal the optimal dose of milk thistle flour, to define the technology that would preserve the antioxidant properties, and to select the most efficient introduction method. The mineral composition of milk thistle flour (100 g) included 1006.66 mg Ca, 457.19 mg Mg, 1082.71 mg K; 1.62 mg Cu, 6.07 mg Z, 8.26 mg Fe, and 701.48 mg P. Eggshells served as a source of calcium to fortify the drink. The resulting fermented dairy product with milk thistle flour proved to be functional as it demonstrated alimentary action against radiostrontium. One glass (200 ml) contained 1,000 mg Calcium, which exceeded the daily physiological need. The study also involved microbiological and sensory evaluation, which proved that the samples fermented with acidophilic starter culture had the optimal sensory profile.

radiation, oxidative stress, radioprotectors, vitamins, antioxidants, milk thistle, fortified dairy products
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