Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Kemerovo State University
Daqing, China
Daqing, China
Semiotic systems transmit cultural information. Efficient semiotic transmission is concise, fast, and with minimal pragmatic or semantic losses. Nations strive to preserve and communicate information that expresses the specificity of their culture. This research systematized the available data on semiotic systems that encode Chinese culture outside China. The research relied on conceptual and terminological methods of cognitive linguistics, culturology, and general scientific methods, i.e., synthesis, analysis, and comparison. The authors divided semiotic systems into heterogeneous hierarchical levels, represented by territorial, landscape, ritual, and artifact semiotic systems: 1) urban space; 2) ritual and ceremonial practices; 3) dances; 4) landscape singularity; 5) goodwill talismans. The classification made it possible to optimize work with cultural semiotics, as well as to minimize the barrier of semiotic recognition and prevent data distortion, thus facilitating approximation during mutual cultural integration while maintaining cultural specificity. The research prospects include a comparative analysis of the semiotic systems of Chinese culture inside and outside China.
cognitive linguistics, sign system, information coding, information loss minimization, soft power, Chinese culture
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