Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The availability of online financial services is becoming increasingly relevant in the context of the digital economy. On the one hand, they are easily assessable and not time-consuming. On the other hand, there is insufficient financial literacy and incomplete Internet coverage of remote areas – the obstacles that have to be overcome. The research objective was to evaluate availability of online financial services in remote access. The study featured the relationship between consumers and financial institutions in the process of implementing financial services in remote access. It was based on empirical, monographic, and abstract-logical research methods. An analysis of empirical data showed that most respondents could choose remote banking services. Fewer respondents had access to online services of insurance companies and other financial institutions. Respondents complained about various problems in obtaining remote access to financial services. The authors believe that the research can help improve regional financial programs and encourage further studies of local financial availability by increasing financial literacy, full Internet coverage, and confidence in financial institutions.

financial accessibility, financial services, remote access, economic barriers, banking services, insurance services
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