Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
Penza, Russian Federation
UDK 33 Экономика. Экономические науки
The research featured various approaches to the understanding of one of the most important qualities of the manager, i.e. the ability to "lay oneself out". The paper focuses on its interpretations, narrow and wide understanding, and a set of related qualities and competences. A study of biographies of successful managers and entrepreneurs made it possible to conclude that they all demonstrated great activity, commitment, efficiency, and the habit of "laying oneself out." The latter quality does not reduce itself to a greater number of working hours: it means high productivity and efficiency. Many internal and external factors affect the results of the manager's activity: 1.Motivation, which depends on awareness of its meaning and significance, clear and achievable objectives, feedback, and satisfaction with the job; 2. Social factors, e.g. team relations, social status, etc.; 3. Psychophysiological factors, e.g. performance, amount of information per unit of time; "span of management", environment, etc. All these factors should be taken into account by managers when organizing personal activities. Personal qualities and competencies of a manager that are related to his or her ability" to lay oneself out" belong to four blocks of qualities. Personal organization is connected with time management, prioritizing, and responsibility. The block of business qualities includes the desire for self-expression, business activity, hunter mindset, aggressiveness, commitment, self-control, determination, and result-oriented performance. Knowledge and work technologies are related to the ability to organize one’s workplace and rationalize personal work. Efficiency includes strong will, diligence, persistence, self-confidence, optimism, and passion for work. The presence of these qualities, or competences, guarantees that the manager is able to lay himself or herself out completely. Therefore, to acquire such ability one should develop these qualities.
performance, effective manager, efficiency, intensity, workload
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