Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The present research featured the pedagogical conditions for improving the health of senior pupils that are doing athletics in institutions of additional sport education. The research objective was to justify the pedagogical conditions of health promotion for high school students involved in sports. The research methods included: analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature data; methods for assessing physical development (anthropometry, methods of studying posture), functional state of body (pulsometry, dynamometry), psychophysiological state, psychodynamic functions, physical qualities (testing), psychosocial studies (conversations, questionnaires), and methods of statistical processing. The research resulted in a pedagogical model of conditions that can strengthen the health of senior pupils involved in additional sport education. The authors studied and experimentally verified pedagogical conditions of health promotion for senior pupils doing track and field athletics. They proved that the ideal pedagogical conditions should meet the following requirements. First of all, one has to define the necessary organizational, information-educational, and educational-motivational measures. Second, the procedure requires a comprehensive psychological, pedagogical, and physiological monitoring of health indicators of pupils. Finally, one should define criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the educational process.

pedagogical model, sports, monitoring, educational and motivational measures, physical development, health-saving support
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