The paper features theoretical and methodical approaches to the
classification of regions from positions of modern region studies. It contains social and economic characteristics of the Republic of Crimea as an agrarian region. The author has monitored the current state of agrarian and industrial complex of the Republic of Crimea. The research has revealed that although agriculture is responsible for 17,1 % of the gross regional product, only 5,0 % of labor capacity of the region are engaged in the agrarian sphere of economy, and only 6,3 % of Crimean students major in agriculture. A complex analysis of the Crimean agrarian complex has revealed that the problem of qualified personnel deficiency is not acute for the regional economy, as there is an agricultural institute, as well as a number of minor vocational education institutions. A more relevant task is to improve the quality of training of young specialists and to attract them into rural areas; for this purpose a system and target
approach to agrarian education has been established in the region. The transformation of agricultural education in the republic should be based on the model of a wellbalanced interindustrial staffing plan of agrarian and industrial complex according to sustainable development programs of rural territories in the re gion.
agroindustrial complex, agrarian region, the Republic of Crimea, staffing plan, agricultural education, flagship university