Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Recently, the market of sport nutrition has been expanding due to high popularity of sports in human everyday life as well as popularity of healthy lifestyle principles. This article offers to consider and validates main stages to produce functional sport products based on oat grains. The production technology includes the following stages: Acceptance and quality evaluation of the raw stock; interim storage and preparation of raw stock for production stage; oat grain grinding; protein extraction from the raw stock; ultrafiltration; protein sedimentation; addition of vitamin and mineral mixture and cocoa powder; mixing; packing, labeling and storage of the end product. It is found that the greatest volume protein is extracted when the aqueous solution of 1 M sodium hydroxide is used (protein volume totaled to 93.65 ± 5.62%) at the similar technical parameters of acidic and alkali extraction. Ultrafiltration used to concentrate proteins with UPM-100 membrane contributes to the maximum degree of protein concentration (3.50 ± 0.21%). The protein is sedimented by the 10% aqueous solution of amber acid at the rate of active acidity of 4.4 units that allows an increase in the extent of protein sedimentation to 86.9 ± 5.21%. The end product obtained as per the scheme submitted has been studied for its organoleptic, physical and chemical and microbiological properties, including its blend composition. It’s been identified that the food product has pure taste and flavor appropriate of this product, with no foreign flavor and aroma. High content of protein, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, as well as all essential amino acids are reported. The daily portion of the developed functional product contains 46.0% of vitamins and mineral substances against the rate of physiological need in them.

Ключевые слова:
Oat, protein, functional product, sport nutrition, process flowchart, safety indicators
Currently, higher requirements are set to food products. First of all, food products should match traditional consumer preferences formed and second of all, they should fall to the category of healthy food to contribute to body strengthening [1, 2].Balanced nutrition is the most signicant factor to maintain the human health. It is dened by the nutritional energy value, balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet and adequacy of vitamins and micro-elements [3, 4]. Hence, the search for natural products required to improve the human resistance to the impact of unfavorable environmental factors remains urgent.One of higher-priority trends in the food industry growth is the production of functional food products that favorably affect the human body [1]. The plant-based raw materials being the natural source of dietary ber and lots of biologically active substances are in widespread use as components to produce such products [5, 6]. The grain crop may be considered as the main raw material to produce functional foot where the oat is ranked as the top grain [7]. Oat is one of the wide-spread grain crops that refers to one of the most important grain crops, since the crop acreage is slightly inferior in size to the crops of wheat, rice, corn and barley. Russia is the largest oat consumer and producer. The oat is considered to be the most signicant grain crop in the country [8]. The oat properties are highly valued to be used in medicine, food industry and cosmetology.The nutritional value of oat is due to the content of such components as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals [9, 10]. As for the protein content, oats is ranked third in the world yielding to wheat and winter rye. The protein is found in all grain elements. Its content averages from 9 to 19.5% where
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