Morozova Irina

Author's profiles
Academic degree
doctor of psychological sciences
Science rang
  1. Kemerovo State University , Institute of Education , Director ,
  • Journal "Bulletin of Kemerovo State University. Series: Humanities and Social Sciences" ,
Scientific interests
VAC 13.00.02 Теория и методика обучения и воспитания (по областям и уровням образования)
VAC 13.00.03 Коррекционная педагогика (сурдопедагогика и тифлопедагогика, олигофренопедагогика и логопедия)
VAC 13.00.08 Теория и методика профессионального образования
VAC 19.00.01 Общая психология, психология личности, история психологии

Education, professional development: Kemerovo State University (1993), Faculty of History. Kemerovo State University (1995), faculty of advanced training and retraining. Ph.D. thesis defense (1999), doctoral thesis defense (2006).

Research interests: Cognitive activity, the cognitive activity of a person, factors that optimize cognitive processes, mechanisms that intensify cognition, and transformation of the surrounding world.

The theme of dissertation: Motivation as a factor in optimizing the thought process (1999); Psychological factors and mechanisms of the intensification of the cognitive activity of the individual (2006).

Publications (total): The total number of publications - 160, including 7 monographs, 12 study guides, 15 teaching, and methodological and practical manuals.

Expert in the field: problems of intensifying the cognitive activity of a person, factors of optimizing cognitive development.

Kemerovo, Russian Federation
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