Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes the professional readiness of pre-school teachers to provide health safety at work, both for themselves and their educatees. It introduces results of a scientific literature review and a scientific test of a model of health-saving activities. The experiment made it possible to test the methodological approaches derived from available publications and interpret the obtained results. The research relied on the concept of an aggregate unity of psychological, physical, and biological components in anthropological studies. As a result, the model of health-saving pre-school activities was developed using a number of approaches that centered on such ideas as system, health science, competence, axiology, culture, and activity. The model and the review can be used at pre-schools to develop an educational environment that provides both children and teachers with health-saving activities. The research also offers criteria and indicators for measuring the effectiveness of pedagogical management in the process of developing the health-saving competence in pre-school teachers.

health-saving activities at school, health-saving activities, pre-school, preschool teacher
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