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Abstract (English):
Municipal administrations of big cities develop numerous transport strategies but few of them eventually enter practice, and those implemented require more efficient monitoring tools. This article introduces indicators that could be used during initial strategizing, e.g., goal-setting, road-mapping, etc., in order to evolve into strategy monitoring tools. It reviews international and domestic ratings of transport systems, their role and application in strategic planning, and related development indicators. The empirical research involved the experience of Moscow authorities in the development and implementation of strategic documents that regulate the transport system. As a rule, early strategic documents cover but a few implementation indicators, supported by a methodology for data gathering and analysis. However, a more complete strategy plan should include a list of second-level indicators. Such a detailed approach could explain the main indicators and provide a necessary quality assessment from different aspects.

target indicators, development indicators, transport strategy, monitoring of strategy implementation, rating of cities, public transport
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