Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Problems, threats, and risks are often considered selectively in national strategies and projects. As a result, new factors appear during their implementation: they limit the solution of strategic tasks, cause crisis phenomena, and recurrent gaps in the socio-economic development. The authors developed a procedure of causal analysis. It focuses on entire path of problem development, from the establishment of its root and indirect causes to the determination of direct and visible changes in the human living environment. The analysis features the completeness of factor accounting in problems, threats, and risks. It also covers strategic objectives and targets to assess the feasibility of strategic priorities and the effectiveness of project activities. The article also introduces some methodological tools of the causal analysis. They can be applied to factors that affect strategic planning and can be used to assess national projects, i.e., their feasibility of strategic objectives and effectiveness.

factors of global transformations, causal analysis, strategic planning, project activity, audit of strategies and projects
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