Lugansk, Ukraine
UDK 378 Высшее профессиональное образование. Высшая школа. Подготовка научных кадров
Technosphere safety is a complex issue that depends directly on the level of professional competence of the people involved. The present research featured the problem-based method of teaching technogenic safety to Bachelor's Degree students. It involved a detailed analysis of the professionally-oriented training of technosphere safety bachelors. The analysis revealed some reasons behind the low efficiency of the current approach. The problem method is a promising resource for improving learning efficiency. The article introduces the content and application conditions of the problem method. The new approach was tested as part of lectures on Reliability of Technical Systems and Technogenic Risk. The problem method proved effective and improved the motivation of the future bachelors of technosphere safety.
problem-based learning, competency-based approach, cognitive activity, higher school, professionalism, Bachelor's Degree program, life safety
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