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INTRODUCTION The fruit and berry vegetable raw materials applied in food production technologies have a positive impact on the consumer properties of ready-made product. In particular, it favorably affects the organoleptic characteristics of finished goods: taste, aroma and color. At the same time the vegetable components play a role of natural dyes and fragrances. Thanks to the presence of biologically active agents, fruit and berry vegetable raw materials have a good effect on the human body [1, 2]. Merchandising characteristics of fruit and berry raw materials: the high nutrition and biological value, the simplicity in the preparation for production, the wide range of fruits and berries and their derived products allow to use them effectively in various food technologies, including dairy products technologies [3]. The studied fruits and berries as vegetable objects with the prevalence of water in their composition have no high caloric value: 100 g of the edible part give only 30-100 kcal [4]. Easily digested carbohydrates prevailing in the dry weight are the main energy- yielding material in the composition of fruits and berries. Fruits and berries are of the highest value in nutrition as a source of biologically active agents - vitamins, macro- and microelements, specific substances and food fibers. Thanks to the presence of the listed groups of compounds, fruits and berries improve digestion, the activity of cardiovascular system, the neuroemotional state of the person, therefore a lot of fruits and berries are irreplaceable in nutrition. The average annual need of the person for fruits and berries is 7 kg. [4]. Copyright © 2017, Golubtsova. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ ), allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license. This article is published with open access at http://frm-kemtipp.ru. Fruits and berries, first of all, are an effective source of various carbohydrates among which there are sugars, polyols, pectinaceous substances, cellulose and hemicellulose. Sugars are digestible carbohydrates - glucose, fructose, sucrose because of a sweet taste inherent in them. The total content of sugars is from 1.0 to 20% [5, 6, 7]. Monosugars, glucose and fructose prevail. Their content is approximately equal in a lot of fruits and berries. The amount of sucrose (disaccharide) does not exceed 1% in the majority of them. Fructose - the sweetest and most dietary valuable sugar which is expedient for use in the diets with a low caloric content, and also in the food of children and diabetics prevails in the composition of raspberry. Pectinaceous substances and cellulose are carbohydrate polymers, they are not digestible for the human body, but their physiological role is high enough. Pectinaceous substances are part of cells and noncellular clusters. These are derivatives of galacturonic acid. There is soluble pectin and insoluble pectin (protopectin) [8, 9]. The ratio between soluble pectin and protopectin in the composition of fruits and berries changes in the course of growth, maturing and storage. Therefore, changes of consistence become noticeable as well. The content of pectinaceous substances with high jellifying properties which are shown at a certain ratio of pectinaceous substances, sugar and acids [10] in fruits and berries is 0.2-1.8%. The purpose of work consisted in the determination of parameters of quality of fruit and berry raw materials. The study problems included the determination of titrable acidity, content of vitamins and minerals and also toxic components in fruit and berry raw materials. OBJECTS AND METHODS OF STUDY In accordance with the purpose and tasks of the work, the study objects were the following: - fruit and berry raw materials: Rubus idaeus (raspberry, the grade “Nagrada”), Fragaria vesca (remontant wild strawberry, the grade “Berdskaya rannyaya”), Ríbesúva-críspa (garden gooseberry, the grade “Kooperator”), Prunus fruticosa (ground cherry, the grade “Altayskaya lastochka”), Rosa majalis Herrm (cinnamon rose), Actinidia deliciosa (kiwi delicatessen), Músa paradisiaca (banana of "extra" grade); - model fruit and berry mixtures. All fruit raw materials used in the work were studied upon the organoleptic and physical and chemical indicators of quality according to the requirements of the relevant normative documents. The test specimens were selected in accordance with GOST 26313-84 "Products of fruit and vegetable processing. Acceptance rules and methods of sampling". The raw materials are mixed and the single samples are selected from different layers of a product by means of a scoop, a sampler, a siphon and so forth, weighing 100-500 g each. The number of single samples from each unit of transport packing must be not less than two. The total weight of specimen from each selected unit of transport packing must be from 0.3 to 3.0 kg depending on the weight of the product needed for the tests. The fruits of raspberry were assessed for the compliance with the requirements of GOST R 54691-2011. The appearance, maturity degree, state, smell and taste of berries, the presence of the agricultural fruits and berries damaged by agricultural depredators, the rotten and spoiled berries are assessed in an organoleptic way [11, 12]. The indicators of quality of fruits of wild strawberry were assessed in accordance with GOST 6828-89. The appearance, maturity degree, taste and smell, the presence of the sick and damaged berries of wild strawberry are determined in an organoleptic way; the size of berries - by measuring to a precision of no more than 0.1 mm [13]. Each fraction was weighed. All weighings were performed to a precision of no more than 0.01 kg. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 1 presents the carbohydrate composition of fruits and berries. The analysis of tabular data allows to draw a conclusion that the highest quantity of carbohydrates, including sucrose, is in bananas and the lowest is in raspberry. There is no sucrose in wild strawberry and wild rose. Cellulose is in all fruit and berry raw materials, its highest content is in raspberry. Pectinaceous substances are mainly in gooseberry. Table 2 presents the titrable acidity and qualitative composition of organic acids of the studied fruits and berries, Table 3 - the content of vitamins. Fruits and berries are a source of the mineral substances playing an important role in metabolic processes. The total of mineral substances or ash in the composition is 0.2-0.54%. Macro-, micro- and ultramicroelements are found in the composition of ash. Analyzing these tables, it is possible to note that all fruit and berry raw materials are rich with organic acids, except bananas. Apple acid is the only that prevails in bananas. At the same time the acidity of bananas is low. It is explained by the existence of a large amount of sucrose. The titrable acidity of wild strawberry is the highest which is proved by the fact of lack of sucrose in it. The qualitative composition and the quantitative content of separate elements are different which is caused by their biological and specific features to accumulate elements, the provision of soils with available forms of elements. In some cases the mineral composition can facilitate the identification of products of processing and prove their naturalness, but is not an objective criterion of specific identification of fruit and berry raw materials. It follows from the tabular data that fruit and berry raw materials contain such vitamins as B1, B2, B6, PP, β- carotene, K1, E and C. The greatest amount of vitamin C is in wild rose, there are also a lot of group B vitamins in wild rose, tocopherols prevail in wild rose and gooseberry. Table 4 presents the content of mineral substances in the studied raw materials. Analyzing Table 4 it is possible to draw a conclusion that all types of fruit and berry raw materials are rich with major macro - and microelements. Table 1. Carbohydrate composition of fruits and berries, % Type of raw materials Sugars Pectic substances Fibre Total Sucrose Wild strawberry 3.7-8.1 - 0.7-1.4 4.0 Raspberry 3.6-8.4 0.6 0.5-0.7 5.2 Gooseberry 5.2-13.5 0.3-0.87 3.64-11.0 2-3 Wild rose 8.0-20.0 - 1.8-2.7 4.0 Cherry 6-10.5 0.2-0.31 0.4-0.8 1.8 Bananas 16-19 2.39 - 1.7-2.2 Kiwi 7-7.8 0.3-0.5 0.4-0.45 3.8 Table 2. Titrable acidity and composition of organic acids Type of raw materials Titrable acidity, % Qualitative composition of acids Wild strawberry 1.6-2.0 Citric, apple, chlorogenic acids and their derivatives, coumaric, salicylic and cinchonic acid Gooseberry 1.5-3.8 Citric, apple, tartaric, succinic and phosphoric acid Raspberry 1.3-2.1 Citric, apple, formic, salicylic and chlorogenic acids Wild rose 0.9-2.5 Apple acid, phenolic acids Cherry 0.5-0.8 Chlorogenic, ellagic, citric, apple, cinchonic, succinic and salicylic acid Bananas 0.3-0.4 Apple Kiwi 0.6-0.8 Apple, citric, salicylic, chlorogenic acids and their derivatives Table 3. Content of vitamins in fruits and berries, mg / 100g Type of raw materials Thiamine (В1) Riboflavin (В2) Folacin (В6) Niacin (РР) β-Carotene Phyllochinone (К1) Tocopherols (Е) Vitamin C Wild strawberry 0.03 0.05 13-0.25 0.3 0.03 0.2-0.4 0.3-0.9 20-55 Gooseberry 0.01 0.02 0.03-0.26 0.1 0.7-1.0 0.3-1.0 1.0 Up to 110 Raspberry 0.02 0.05-0.06 0.15-0.32 0.3-0.6 0.2-0.7 0.3-0.6 0.3-0.6 27-93 Wild rose 0.05 0.33-0.88 0.1-0.25 0.6 2.0-2.6 0.6-1.2 1.0-8.8 670-3800 Cherry 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.5 0.1 - 0.3 15 Bananas 0.04 0.05 0.4 0.9 0.12 0.5 0.4 180 Kiwi 0.02 0.04 0.2 0.5 0.09 - 0.3 180 Table 4. Content of the most important minerals in the composition of fruits and berries, mg/kg Type of berries and fruits Potassium Sodium Calcium Magnesium Phosphorus Iron Manganese Cobalt Molyb- denum Wild strawberry, 30.8-160 18.0-22.1 27.9 13-18 23-103.6 12.0-103 10-28 0.03- 0.052 0.06- 0.085 Gooseberry 260 23 22 9 28 0.8 0.45 - 12 mkg Raspberry 24.9-220 23.4 37.1 12.4 37-88.9 16-69 5.2-25.8 0.06 0.004 Wild rose 23-51 5-6 16-28 6-8 13 24-115 2.2-2.4 - - Cherry 256 20 37 26 30 0.3-0.5 0.08 1 mkg 10 mkg Bananas 380-384 28-31 7-8 40-42 26-28 0.6 0.27 - - Kiwi 300 5 40 25 30-34 0.6-0.8 0.19-0.21 1.0 mkg 10 mkg Table 5 gives the indicators of quality. As the tabular data show, the quality of the studied raspberry conforms to the requirements of GOST, the content of toxic elements in raspberry does not exceed the admissible level (Table 12), the samples of raspberries can be applied for further studies. Table 6 provides data on gooseberry. Analyzing Table 6, it has been established that the samples of gooseberry are typical in shape and coloring, the taste is sourish and sweet, peculiar to this grade, without a foreign smack. The content of toxic elements in gooseberries did not exceed the admissible level (Table 12). Table 7 provides data on wild strawberry. Proceeding from the data of Table 7, it has been established that the samples of berries of wild strawberry are typical in appearance, coloring, taste and smell, and correspond to the high grade. The content of toxic elements does not exceed the admissible level (Table 12), the berries can be used for further tests. Table 8 presents the indicators of quality of hips. The tabular data testify that the samples of hips conform to the requirements of GOST for all the indicators and can be used for further tests. The content of toxic elements does not exceed the admissible level (Table 12). Table 9 gives the indicators of quality of the cherry used for the studies. Table 5. Indicators of quality of fruits of Rubus idaeus (raspberry, the grade “Nagrada”), n = 5 Name of the indicator Characteristics and norms in accordance with GOST in fact Appearance, size and structure Aggregate fruits are rounded or cone- shaped complex stone fruits not stuck together in clumps. Consist of a large number (30-60) of separate, grown together stone fruits. The size of the fruit is from 7.5 to 12 mm. Separate small spherical or ellipse stone fruits, with a stone inside, that has a pitted surface The fruits are rounded and spherical, not stuck together in clumps. Consist of separate stone fruits grown together (48-60). The size of the fruit is from 9 to 17 mm. Meet the requirements. Color of: surface pulp stones Grayish and crimson Pinkish Dark yellow Crimson red Smell Specific, pleasant Pleasant, appropriate Taste Sourish and sweet Mainly sweet Moisture, %, not more than 15.0 13.0 + 0.5 Mass fraction of total ash, %, not more than 3.5 1.5 + 0.1 Mass fraction of the blackened fruits, %, not more than 8.0 4 + 0.2 Mass fraction of the fruits stuck together in clumps, %, not more than 4.0 2 + 0.5 Mass fraction of the fruits with unseparated pedicels and receptacles, %, not more than 2.0 0.5 + 0.3 Mass fraction of the crushed particles of the fruits passing through a sieve with a diameter of openings of 2 mm, %, not more than 4.0 1.5 + 0.5 Mass fraction of leaves and parts of raspberry stalks, %, not more than 0.5 0.0 Mass fraction of impurities, %, not more than organic (fruits and parts of other nonpoisonous plants) 0.5 0.0 mineral (ground, sand, stones) 0.5 0.0 Presence of poisonous plants and their parts Not allowed Absent Presence of mold and decay The same Not detected Presence of persistent foreign smell which does not vanish when ventilating Not allowed absent Table 6. Indicators of quality of fruits of Ríbesúva-críspa (garden gooseberry, the grade “Kooperator”), n = 5 Name of the indicator Characteristics and norms in accordance with GOST in fact Appearance The berries are quite developed, healthy, whole, pure, without mechanical damages, the damages caused by depredators and diseases, and excessive external moisture The berries are mature, healthy, pure, without mechanical damages, depredators and diseases and excessive moisture. Coloring Homogeneous Homogeneous Taste and smell Peculiar to the given pomological grade, without foreign smell and (or) taste Sourish and sweet Maturity Harvest Harvest Content of berries of % of 3.0 1.5 + 0.3 weight, not more than: Mechanically damaged: In places of shipment At destinations Slightly damaged by powdery 5.0 1.5 + 0.2 mildew Not allowed absent Vegetable impurities, % of weight, not more than 0.3 0.1 + 0.05 Table 7. Indicators of quality of Fragaria (remontant wild strawberry, the grade “Berdskaya rannyaya”), n = 5 Name of the indicator Characteristics and norms in accordance with GOST in fact Appearance The berries are quite developed, healthy, fresh, whole, mature, pure, without mechanical damages and excessive external moisture, with a pedicel or without it, but with a cup. Separate berries without a cup are allowed The berries are developed, healthy, whole, mature, pure, without mechanical damages and excessive moisture, with a pedicel. Taste and smell Peculiar to the given pomological grade, without a foreign smell and (or) taste Peculiar, without foreign smells and tastes Coloring of berries Homogeneous homogeneous Maturity The berries are uniform in maturity Size to the largest cross-section diameter, mm, not less than: for fresh consumption 25.0 29 + 0.5 for industrial processing 25.0 (high grade) Not rated (first grade) - Content of berries, % of weight, not more than: mechanically damaged in places of shipment 2.0 (high grade) 5.0 (first grade) 1.0 + 0.2 at destinations 5.0 (high grade) 10.0 (first grade) 1.5 + 0.5 damaged by depredators and birds 2.0 (high grade) 3.0 (first grade) 1.0 + 0.1 Name of the indicator Characteristics and norm for the raw materials used as a medicinal preparation in the food industry as well in fact Appearance The whole false fruits of various shape cleared of sepals and pedicels: from spherical, ovoid or oval to strongly extended spindle-shaped; the length of fruits is 0.7-3 cm, the diameter is 0.6-1.7 cm. There is a small round opening or a pentagonal platform on top of the fruit. Fruits consist of the overgrown receptacle (hypanthium) and numerous fruitlets (nutlets) enclosed in its cavity. The fruit walls are dense, fragile, the external surface is glossy, more rarely mat, more or less savoyed. The fruits are thickly covered inside with long and very stiff bristly hairs. The nutlets are small, oblong, with poorly prominent sides. Whole, pure, from the spherical to the oval shape, the length of fruits is 1.8-3.2 cm, the diameter is 0.8-1.8 cm. There is a round opening on top of the fruit, the fruits consist of hypanthium and the fruitlets (nutlets) enclosed in its cavity. The walls are dense, the external surface is glossy and savoyed. The fruits are covered inside with long stiff bristly hairs. The nutlets are small, oblong, with poorly prominent sides. Color: fruits From orange-red to brownish-red Orange-red nutlets Light yellow, sometimes brownish Light yellow Smell Peculiar to the given raw materials, without foreign smells Peculiar, without a foreign smell Taste Sourish and sweet, slightly astringent Slightly astringent, sourish and sweet Moisture, %, not more than 15.0 12 + 0.5 Mass fraction of ascorbic acid, %, not less than 0.2 0.4 + 0.01 Mass fraction of total ash, %, not more than 3.0 1.0 + 0.1 Mass fraction of other parts of the plant (pieces of branches, leaves, sepals and pedicels), %, not more than 2.0 0.5 + 0.1 Mass fraction of the blackened and burnt fruits and the fruits damaged by depredators and diseases, %, not more than 1.0 0,3 + 0,1 Mass fraction of the crushed particles of fruits, including the nutlets passing through a sieve in accordance with TU 23.2.2068 with the openings with a diameter of 3 mm, %, not more than 3.0 1.0 + 0.5 Mass fraction of immature fruits (from the green to yellow coloring), %, not more than 5.0 1.0 + 0.5 Mass fraction of impurities: organic (parts of other nonpoisonous plants), %, not more than 0.5 absent mineral (ground, sand, stones), %, not more than 0.5 absent Name of the indicator Characteristics and norms in accordance with GOST in fact Appearance The fruits typical for this pomological grade (first) in shape and coloring. The fruits typical and untypical for this pomological grade (second) in shape and coloring. The fruits are typical for this pomological grade in shape and coloring. Maturity The fruits uniform in maturity, but not green and not overmature (first grade) The fruits are not uniform in maturity, but not green and not overmature are allowed (second grade) The fruits are uniform in maturity Size to the largest cross-section diameter, mm, not less than: 15 (first grade) Not rated (second) 17 + 0.5 including that for small-fruited grades (Vladimirskaya, Samarkandskaya, Rastun'ya, Kartulialubali, Shubinka) and also that for ground and Nanking cherry 12 (first grade) Not rated (second) - Analyzing the data of Table 9, it has been established that the samples of cherry correspond to the first market grade upon the quality indicators, have a typical shape and coloring, the content of toxic elements does not exceed the admissible level (Table 12). Table 10 gives the indicators of quality of the bananas used for further studies. Mature bananas, i.e. that of the harvest degree of maturity, of extra grade, produced in Ecuador have been studied. The analysis of tabular data testifies that the samples of bananas correspond to the market extra grade, the content of toxic elements does not exceed the admissible level (Table 12). Table 11 presents the indicators of quality of the studied fruits of kiwi. It follows from the tabular data that the samples of kiwi are high-grade and can be used for further studies. The content of toxic elements does not exceed the admissible level (Table 12). The analysis of tabular data testifies that the quality of the studied types of fruit and berry raw materials conforms to the requirements of normative documents according to the content of toxic elements and can be applied for further tests and the determination of specific identification. The performed assessment of quality of fruit and berry raw materials with the application of organoleptic and physical and chemical methods of analysis provided by the existing normative documents has shown that the organoleptic method of assessment is the most acceptable for the purpose of identification of fresh fruits and berries. In case of the processed raw materials this method is subjective and is based only on the definition of taste, aroma and color of the applied vegetable raw materials which can be imitated by means of nutritional supplements - dyes and fragrances [14]. The physical and chemical indicators, such as the content of solids, sugars, pectinaceous substances, organic acids and titrable acidity can not be the objective criteria of identification of the crude and processed fruit and berry raw materials as their values are very close, and sometimes coincide in different types of raw materials. Some indicators, such as the content of vitamin C and total of carotinoids can indirectly be suitable for the identification of group of fruit and berry raw materials, but they do not allow to define a type of fruit and berry raw materials [15, 16]. Some physical and chemical methods, for example IR-spectrometry, allows to identify fresh fruit and berry raw materials and to establish the fact of availability of fruit and berry raw materials in foodstuffs, but does not allow to reveal theis species [17]. Thus, the performed studies on the assessment of quality of the fresh and processed fruit and berry raw materials have shown that the organoleptic and physical and chemical methods of analysis regulated by the existing regulatory system have limited capacities in the assessment of species of raw materials. Name of the indicator Characteristics and norm for the grades in fact extra first Appearance The fruits are of the same pomological grade. The fruits in brushes are dense, fresh, pure, whole, healthy, developed, not miss-shaped, without flower remains, with highly prominent ridge sides. The crown is green, its cutoffs are plain, smooth, healthy, not overdried The fruits are of the same pomological grade. The fruits in brushes are dense, fresh, pure, whole, healthy, with highly prominent ridge sides. The crowns are green, their cutoffs are plain, smooth, not overdried Taste and smell A specific smell of ripe bananas, the taste is sweet, without a foreign smack and aroma The taste is specific, sweet, without a foreign smack and aroma. Maturity When cutting fruits lacteal juice is well emitted. The fruits are of the harvest degree of maturity with a greenish-yellow or yellow skin but not overmature, dense, roundish, the pulp is creamy When cutting fruits lacteal juice is well emitted. The fruits are of the harvest degree of maturity with a yellow skin, not overmature, dense, roundish, the pulp is creamy Sizes of the fruits: to the largest cross-section diameter, cm 3.0-4.0 3.0 + 0.3 in length, cm, not less than 20.0 19.0 21.0 + 1.2 Quantity of fruits in a brush, pcs. 4-8 4-9 7 + 1.0 Quantity of brushes per one packing unit, pcs. 15-18 14-18 17 + 0.9 Content of bananas with deviations from the fixed sizes of no more than: to diameter by 0.5 cm, %, not more than 2.0 5.0 1.0 + 0.2 in length by 1.0 cm, %, not more than 3.0 5.0 2.0 + 0.7 The surface damages of skin without touching the pulp, mechanical damages and those caused by agricultural depredators on one fruit with the total area of, cm2, not more than 1.0 2.0 0.5 + 0.02 Content of fruits with latex streaks (spots), %, not more than: - in area not more than 10 cm2 Not limited 0 - in area more than 10 cm2 1.0 2.0 0 Content of the broken fruits, with a tear of skin at the pedicel, with deep cuts, strong pressings, skin cracks when the pulp is touched, affected with anthracnose, fusariosis, Sigatoka disease, decayed, rotten, soften, chilled to the 3-4th degree, frozen, mashed, with extensive damages caused by agricultural depredators (skin plagues, deep red spots of nesting of trips), overmature with a dark brown, black or spotty skin Not allowed absent Name of the indicator Characteristics and norm for the market grades in fact high first second Appearance The fruits are fresh, whole, pure, healthy, dense, at the stage of market maturity, shaped enough, without a stalk, not overmature, without the damages caused by insect depredators and diseases, without excessive external moisture and shape and coloring typical for the pomological grade The fruits are fresh, whole, pure, healthy, at the stage of market maturity, Without the damages caused by depredators and diseases, oval- shaped, green Slight surface defects of skin which do not affect the quality are allowed Fruits with slight deficiencies in shape, but without outgrowths and deformations, slight coloring defects, slight skin defects the total area of which does not exceed 1 cm, with small traces from the removed label in the form of longitudinal lines, without hillocks are allowed Deficiencies in shape, coloring, skin defects in the form of slight cicatrized cracks or scratched/torn off skin the total area of which does not exceed 2 cm, with more prominent traces from the removed label, with small hillocks and slight dents are allowed Smell and taste Peculiar to the given pomological grade, without a foreign smell and taste peculiar, without foreign Internal structure The pulp is dense, juicy and tough, without damages The pulp is dense, juicy and tough, without damages The ratio of the minimum diameter to the maximum diameter of the fruit measured in cross section, not less than 0.8 0.7 Not rated 1.0 + 0.1 Mass of fruits, not less than 90.0 70.0 65.0 91 + 2.5 Maturity degree Homogeneous Homogeneous Homogeneous, the fruits are of non- uniform maturity, not overmature are allowed homogeneous Mass fraction of soluble solids, %, not less than 15.0 17.7 + 0.8 Mass fraction of the fruits with deviations of more than 10% from the fixed weight, % of weight, not more than Not allowed 5.0 10.0 - Mass fraction of the fruits with slight deficiencies in shape and coloring, with slight dents, with small hillocks, %, not more than Not allowed 5.0 10.0 1.0 + 0.5 Mass fraction of the fruits with surface skin defects, the total area of which is not more than 1 cm, %, not more than Not allowed 5.0 10.0 - Name of the indicator Characteristics and norm for the market grades in fact high first second Mass fraction of the fruits with skin defects in the form of cicatrized cracks or scratched/ torn off skin, the total area of which is not more than 2 cm, %, not more than Not allowed Not allowed 5.0 - Mass fraction of the faded, mushy, watery, overmature, moldy and decayed fruits and the fruits damaged by insect depredators , with mechanical damages, with the damaged pulp, with excessive external moisture, %, not more than Not allowed absent Mass fraction of the fruits grown together, %, not more than Not allowed absent Table 12. Content of toxic elements in berries and fruits Raw materials Name of the element plumbum arsenic cadmium mercury Raspberry 0.023 less than 0.02 0.011 less than 0.00002 Gooseberry 0.029 less than 0.02 0.012 less than 0.00002 Wild strawberry 0.030 less than 0.02 0.013 less than 0.00002 Cherry 0.075 less than 0.04 less than 0.01 less than 0.00002 Wild rose 0.040 less than 0.04 less than 0.01 less than 0.00002 Bananas 0.030 less than 0.03 less than 0.005 less than 0.00002 Kiwi 0.030 less than 0.03 less than 0.005 less than 0.00002 Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, mg/kg in accordance with SanPiN max. 0.4 max. 0.2 max. 0.03 max. 0.02