Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article features the pedagogical foundations of calisthenics, which facilitates personality development. The pedagogical search has a multidimensional nature. It means that the technologies of personality development should depend on the age of the individual, whose culture of health and motor activity calisthenics should improve within the system of continuous education. The research defines the types of personal involvement in the calisthenics training system according to one’s abilities and health. It also identifies the principles of lesson plans, the pedagogical conditions needed to improve the quality of the classes, and development of pedagogical technologies to build a health culture in the students. The health saving programming and self-programming in the individual in the system of additional education for children and youth depends on the feedback from, socialization, and self-realization of the student. Health saving technologies in calisthenics should take into account all the components of affordable education and popular social and educational services in the model of continuous and additional education.

pedagogical modeling, pedagogical methodology, principles of the organization, pedagogical conditions for optimizing, the quality of calisthenics
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