Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article features specifics of the Master degree program "Theory of Translation and Intercultural / Interlingual Communication" at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. The authors review and evaluate such organizational forms of educational activity as translation disciplines, research work (R&D), and translation practice. They analyze the didactic aspects of the main discipline "Theory and practice of the first foreign language translation" as related to the main features of the scientific and technical register, i.e. terminology, standardization, and impersonality. The typology of parallel texts is considered in the context of pre-translational analysis as an important didactic component of teaching a two-way translation. For pre-translational analysis, it is recommended to use thematically relevant and professionally translated texts, fragments of machine translation of technical discourse, and a translation-oriented visualization of translation fragments. Technical translation requires not only linguistic skills but also general mental skills that are necessary for scientific work. Abstract and summary translations, as well as translation editing, help to involve students in scientific activities.

technical translation, linguist, discipline, R&D, practice, scientific and technical register, parallel texts, universal skills of mental labor
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